Friday, June 21, 2013

Photo Shoot for Caleb the Piano Player

After Caleb turned 10 he had a little photo shoot. 
 We missed posting his pictures, but it hasn't been that long, so here they are.

He dressed up in his nice tux with tails.

He took some pictures with all his sheet music.....

This next one was all Caleb inspired.  This is his "Ta-Da" pose.

This is very true to Caleb because every day he insists on posing this ta-da pose after every single scale, book or song he is practicing.

Also, we did family pictures at a music shop so Caleb got to have a lot of fancy pictures taken by some fancy looking pianos.   

He liked this next one so much that it became the main picture to his Sundays @ 6 blog and to his cover of his CD "Sundays with Caleb".

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